Reserve this space
If you are interested in reserving the Capri Theatre for your next event, please check for available dates here.
For questions about please email or call 864-489-4691.
Having a wedding or needing a historical place to hold an event? We have held every event type you could imagine from corporate offsite classrooms to merchandise expo. We require a 2 hour rental or more and are available for any day of the week.

Photo by The Zigs creative co.
What can you do at Capri on Main?
Attend live music shows
Look for local singers and bands to perform.
Hold a conference or an offsite workshop
If you need to make a presentation to a larger audience than your office will hold, we can accommodate you. Use our audio and video system to share your PowerPoint presentation with your audience.
Have a reunion
Enjoy an evening of trivia with friends while raising funds for your charity.
Shoot a video for press kits. Rehearse with your band and use our PA system for your show.
Get out of the basement and hear your vocals or band in an auditorium. Promote your own music show, sell your tickets and use our stage. We offer the perfect environment to face stage fright in a familiar setting. Invite your friends and family for your debut. Or, just meet up at Capri on Main for a jam session with other musicians during times of the day when available. Please understand that not all shows are booked due to insurance and liability issues. No dates are reserved or money transferred until the show is approved.
Premiere your independent film
We can play any DVD, Blu-Ray, computer video file (PC or Mac) on our 22' x 18' movie screen. Invite your family and friends to experience your film premiere.
Private functions such as wedding receptions.
If you have questions concerning available dates and times, please call 864.489.4691 or email.
Our Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights are sometimes booked for live entertainment and other special events but can be reserved. Contact us with your times and needs so we can work out the logistics ahead. We have a 2 hr min, additional charges for equipment and services.
Audio / Video / Graphics
Screen: 22' x 18'
Projector: LCD with PC/DVD/X-Box/Playstation 3/HD Component connections
PA includes mains, subs, and monitors
Graphic work done by our creative staff for other projects available, contact us for your next ad or brochure.
Occupancy: 200 but for safety and comfort we limit it to 150, this is standing room. Seating amount depends on your layout request.
Restrooms: 2 both H C equipped
Kitchen: Not open all the time. We do offer a menu during shows and we have a list of caterers also for your private event.
We encourage you to ask bands that are scheduled here to open for them. We would like to book everyone to showcase their talents but time slots are limited.
Guitar Lessons from Drew Spencer
Do you or someone you know have an interest in learning to play or advance in their talent? Drew has been teaching lessons to both novice and seasoned musicians and is a crowd favorite here at Capri on Main. Contact Drew at 864-491-8718 or